Helene Kuhn was born in USA and grew up in France.

She studied at the Salle Pleyel and the Courts with Cecilia Simon Ward and David Sztulman.

In 2008 she returned to New York to study New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts and School for Film and Television. Its formation is composed of intensive Stanford Meisner O’mara with Molly and Steve Perlmutter. She specializes in Feldenkreis and View Points as well as Michael Chekhov and Shakespeare.
She studied the clown and expressionism with Claudia Notale.
Her ballet training debuted very early at the age of 4 years to over Barbot Perrot. She then studied it at the conservatory of dance contemportaine Suresnes Jean Vilar Julie Sicard.
Helene has sung under the direction of Francis Bardot in children Ile de France Choir and the Choir of young Ile de France as a soprano.
